Engagement session in London

What a sunny day for this engagement session in London... She is french, he is english, and they live their love story in a cute place in London.

Miss M. and M. A. are getting married in June 28th in Cap Ferret and I'm very very excited to be part of it. So amazing stuffs waiting for us, and for me on photos !

I had a wonderful week end with them, a fantastic engagement session and I know that we will have a very good time for their wedding day... Thank you so much for your welcome, the english breakfast, the visit of Richmond, the diner at the pub (and the pints !),  your sympathy,  and for letting me crush on your couch ! I had a very good time shooting this engagement session in London !

Update #1 : pardon, pardon mille fois pour le mauvais anglais dont j'ai peut être fait preuve dans ce paragraphe. Promis, je me suis améliorée depuis ! Enfin je crois. Maybe. Maybe not. Is Bryan still in the kitchen ?

Update #2 : leur super mariage au Cap Ferret est passé ! Et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est qu'ils ont frappé fort notre petit couple franco-anglais. Have a sneak peek !





Can't wait !!!!


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